S.P.A.C.E.  2017 – 2019

International Projects15 Novembre 201844 Views

Europe for Citizens – Network of Towns

Young people neither in employment not in education or training (NEET) in Europe increased up to 17% out of the total youth (Eurostat), but in some Countries this percentage is much higher (Italy,Bulgaria,Romania,Greece,Spain…). Moreover,the same young Neets perceive the EU as a very far Institution and this was concretized in a very low turnout in the last EU Elections. This gap could be narrowed only by actively involving these citizens in a fruitful debate on the future of Europe, after learning from its history.

6 Towns,1 Association of Towns,3 Civil Society Organizations, 1 LAG and 1 Umbrella NGO from 9 EU Countries + SR and ME, usually involved in work with Neet and underrepresented groups,thanks to the 24 months project “TIPS4EU: Tools for a more Inclusive,Partecipative and Sustainable EU”, will bring the existing 8 European Participatory Tools (EU Elections, petitions, citizens’ dialogue, citizens’ initiatives, Volunteering, Civil Society Organizations, Debating Europe, Consultations and Feedbacks) closer to their disadvantaged citizens, by giving them the instruments to have their say directly at EU level and work for changing their life conditions. With the use of formal and non formal education methods, 22 Neets will be trained as “Neet-Workers”. As multipliers, they will organize several local campaigns (practicing and simulating the existing partecipatory tools) in order to promote these tools among other disadvantaged Citizens and collect their feedbacks and ideas. The results of the local campaigns will be useful for the final discussion on the Future of Europe and on the right tools to boosting youth participation in the democratic decision-making process.

6 events + a preparation phase + the local campaigns will bring into the establishment of the “TIPS4EU Ngo”,which will assure to this initiative a long-term impact on the partner communities and at EU level, with the help of the communication tools produced (a web-portal,leaflets and USB pendrives).

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