OLTRE L’ARTE- AN EXAMPLE OF SOCIAL INCLUSION OPPORTUNITY THAT VALORIZE THE TANGIBLE HERITAGE Oltre l’Arte is a cooperative that started with a group of young adults who wanted to create
OLTRE L’ARTE- AN EXAMPLE OF SOCIAL INCLUSION OPPORTUNITY THAT VALORIZE THE TANGIBLE HERITAGE Oltre l’Arte is a cooperative that started with a group of young adults who wanted to create
Press releaseYES! YOUTH FOR EUROPEAN SOLIDARITYKICK-OFF ONLINE MEETING On the 8th of May 2020, the Italian Municipality of Miggiano has been the online host for the Kick-Off meeting of the
FACIT: FOSTERING ACTIVE CITIZENSHIP COMPETENCIES1st Transnational Project Meeting For the next two years, the Italian NGO Integra Onlus will be the lead partner of a new Strategic Partnership in the
EUROPEAN INCLUSION THROUGH INTERCULTURAL DIALOGUE KICK-OFF MEETING From the 6th to the 8th of February 2020, the Italian organization, Fattoria Pugliese Diffusa Associazione Culturale (FPD) hosted the first international event